[Dr. Lynne Nelson, Veterinary Cardiologist and Dr. Charles T. Robbins with hand-reared grizzly bear cub used for research studies. Photo by Darin Watkins.]
Wildlife Conservation Center
The WSU Arboretum & Wildlife Conservation Center hosts several science facilities devoted to wildlife ecology, conservation, and the study of biological diversity - all of the natural variation of life on earth. The Wildlife Conservation Center is the focus of internationally recognized work on grizzly bears, as well as studies of deer, raptors, Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits, endangered amphibians, bats, owls, insects, and a variety of other birds and mammals.
In addition to our wildlife conservation facilities, the woodland forest within the arboretum is managed as a wildlife sanctuary for birds and other wildlife, but also including rare native plants. Nature trails and bird observation stations are being developed in the arboretum woodland for future use by visitors.

WSU Bear Center
The WSU Bear Program is the only facility in the world to house adult grizzly bears for studies of biology, ecology, and conservation. Many people do not realize that there are only eight species of bears worldwide, six of which are endangered. Consequently, university, government, and zoo scientists from across the U.S. and other countries have come to study at WSU. Learn More: WSU Bear Center

Endangered Species Lab
The WSU Endangered Species Program supports the study of ecology, behavior, and conservation of threatened and endangered species, as well as other wildlife species of conservation concern. Our recent work focuses on critical wildlife ecology studies involving Greater sage-grouse, Columbian sharp-tailed grouse, burrowing owls, leopard frogs, Columbia spotted frogs, and western bat species. Learn More: Endangered Species Lab

Large Carnivore Conservation Lab
The Large Carnivore Conservation Lab conducts fieldwork on the ecology of large carnivores and their prey. Our mission is to help maintain viable, sustainable, large carnivore populations and predator-prey communities in the U.S. and worldwide. Studies of ecology and population dynamics typically include grizzly bears, black bears, cougars, lynx, and their prey (mountain caribou, mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, snowshoe hares).
Learn More: Large Carnivore Conservation Lab

Raptor Rehabilitation Program
The WSU Raptor Club and Raptor Rehabilitation Program in the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine is a non-profit volunteer organization founded in 1918 to educate the public about raptors. The Raptor Club exhibits raptors that have been treated for injuries but cannot be released back in to the wild. The Raptor Program provides educational presentations about these magnificent birds to schools, service organizations, fairs, summer camps, and other public forums. Learn More: Raptor Program

Wild Ungulate Facility
The Wild Ungulate Facility contains a mule deer herd and facilities for studying the ecology of declining mule deer in the western U.S., as well as the ecology of other wild herbivores (e.g., pygmy rabbits, sage grouse, jack rabbits). The goal is to better understand the interactions of behavioral and nutritional ecology to learn how to better conserve habitats and wild populations of animals necessary for the conservation of biological diversity.
Learn More: Wild Ungulate Facility